It is only since Madeleine was taken from us, that Gerry and myself have become aware of just how many children go missing each year from all around the world ...
Kate's full transcript
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| | Advertiser (Click) | Country | Advert type | Location | Ident. | | |

| The Balloon Works
| United Kingdom
| Childrens parties - Parties
| Kingston, Surrey
| 16350000155

| nicky
| United Kingdom
| Baby Sitter/Child Minder
| derby
| 22710000602

| The Balloon Works
| United Kingdom
| Childrens parties - Balloons
| Kingston, Surrey
| 92220000041

| Wheelie Good Art
| United Kingdom
| Childrens parties - Arts & crafts
| Chelmsford, Essex
| 52710000033

| Bisana
| United Kingdom
| Baby Sitter/Child Minder
| London
| 24730000584

| komal
| United Kingdom
| Baby Sitter/Child Minder
| oxford
| 94550000589
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MESSAGE FOR OVERSEAS APPLICANTS: How good is your command of spoken English? Families normally prefer English-speaking nannies so improve
your chance of finding work by enrolling at a Language School
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